C (135/301)

From:Jesper Svennevid
Date:24 Aug 99 at 09:10:44
Subject:RE: Drawing in a window

From: "Jesper Svennevid" <jesper@fxrealm.com>

> > There are two solutions to this: You could set the window-
> > refresh into smart-refresh, and handle the damage-messages
> > that your window will send to you, allowing you to use your
> > own code to patch up the "holes", or you could set it to
> > simple-refresh and then Intuition will handle all that
> > refreshing.
> If I'm not mistaken, it's the other way around. SMART_REFRESH
> to let intuition do the dirty work, and SIMPLE_REFRESH to do
> it yourself...

Oh sorry then, I did have a doubt when I wrote the letter but
I was in a hurry :)

// Jesper Svennevid : jesper@fxrealm.com
Software Developer At FXRealm Studios : http://www.fxrealm.com/